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The View From My Back Garden

David Smith

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Took these last night. LP was enhanced by some fog so looks worse than it feels most nights but gives you the general idea. Intend to send these to the local council as they seem intent on ignoring me :BangHead:



In the summer the trees make quite a good natural light shield but once the leaves start to fall...

EDIT: Apologies for the side-ways pic, not sure how to correct this!

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Good luck with the council - I have a similar problem with a small hospital opposite me that has security lights on all the time. During the summer the tree hide it all but now we have the dark nights again the trees have lost their leaves. Tried to reason with them but they jsy pass me from person to person and then tell me that no one is in charge of the lights :confused:

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Ahh, thats such a shame the light pollution. Here where I live there is no lights or houses around just blackness with good starfields and the milky way arching overhead. Mind you, I am on the Kintyre Peninsular in West Scotland so it's usually covered in cloud, fog or rain so sometimes no one wins!! :wink:

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