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Is there a section of sky where there are typically asteroids found?

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As it happens the subject of asteroids crops up in this months S@N issue. It would seem NASA are wanting to recruit amateur astronomers around the world to turn their scopes on certain asteroids in connection with their OSIRIS-REx mission which is due to launch in 2016. As you have a 10" GT you should be able to see these pin points of light, which are in the most part mag 9 and smaller and this is for the large ones. As John pointed out you can find the location of six of these in Heavens-Above.com and you can dial in their co-ordinates to put them into your field of view, but as far as I understand you really need to take some images over a few nights to make sure you have the right pin point of light, as this will move in relation to the stars, fascinating stuff, I do not have a scope suitable and I think also our typical British weather will put the jinx on making repetitive observations to successfully track such celestial objects, but if you have the interest, I would certainly give it a try :)


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Just to make it interesting, it would seem 4 Vista and Ceres are both to reach opposition next month around the 9th Dec, Vesta will reach mag +6.4 and Ceres mag +6.7 both should be visible, weather permitting, with binoculars. Thanks to S&N, who have published details of how to locate them in next months Dec issue. If you do not subscribe, then location details can be had through the Heavens -above web site :)


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