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Another crack at M31 04/10/07


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The clouds were late to clear last night / this morning so I thought I'd give M31 another go only this time I used the ED80 to get a wider field. When processing I kept in mind the advice that Rog gave me (cheers Rog :salute:) and I think it looks better... :lol: Anyway feel free to tweak.


Subs:- 20x60 sec @ iso 1600, 30x90 sec @ iso 400. Scope:- Skywatcher ED80 Pro (unguided). Camera:- Canon 350d (unmodded). Stacked with Maxim dl and other processing with PS CS2


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thats Better Brian , you have the core spot on, now we have to sort that vignetting out, seems like the distance to chip is a bit out, so have to try and seek advice fron the dslr boys , other than that a bit of gradiant, but thats a while lot better with the galaxy , some very nice detail with the dust lanes , well done mate

Rog :lol:

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