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How to get me detail? Jupiter


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Hi all,

This is a shot from the other evening, 3000 frames reduced down to around 300. Regixtax was set to 100% quality,

CPC800 and Celestron Neximage (original)

I know the neximage isnt the best camera but what can i do to capture more detail? also the was some dirt on the lens :(




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Keep gain above 50% and gamma 0-10%. If you are using sharpcap to capture there is a exposure histogram which needs to be 60-70% full.

Your image has onion rings which suggests gain was too low though video compression can also cause this depending on what capture software and video codec you were using (also if frame rate was too high on a usb 1.1 cam).

Ideally you need to stack 500-1000 frames from a 3-4 min avi.

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Hi Stuart,

I was using sharp cam, not at my home computer at the moment so i dont have the full details but i believe it was 30fps ?

Unless I'm wrong and the neximage is usb 2.0 then 30fps will be compressed so you need to be using 10-15fps like the philips spc900 cam.

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