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My, frankly poor, attempt at Jupiter from Friday night.

6" f5 newt, 4x Imagemate and SPC900 with the Sony mono chip in.

I should be getting more? I tried focus with a parfocal ring and a SW Autofocuser controlled with a HiTech astrology hub thru the computer. Looked fine on screen...

Maybe the gain/exposure are too low? Bahnitov?

A range of between 3,000 and 10,000 frames at between 30 & 60fps .

Any suggestions welcome! :D






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The spc 900 will produce heavy video compression at those frame rates being a USB 1.1 webcam. 10fps using 3-4 min avis is the best method.

Focus does indeed appear to be the main issue here. Focusing on one of Jupiters moons with the gain at 100% will get you within range and then just a tiny tweak but with seeing being very poor recently its very difficult.

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If you want a good idea of what you should get look at this video it was taken with a 6inch newt (skywatcher 150pl) its a f8 not an f5 but if anything that would make your images brighter and more contrasty, what it does show is both the raw video from the camera and also the processed and stacked end result. Looking at your images I would also say check your colimation, that often gives blured low contrast images if its off although I think i agree that focus appears to be your main issue. I would go with teh adviceof focusing on one of the moons first on max exposure from there it should be plain sailing. Also I totally agree with the recomendation of 5 or 10 fps for 3- 4 mins max that will easily get you enough frames remeber this is a game of quality not quantity, 100 excellent frames are better than 50,000 average ones!

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Thanks everyone. Very useful advice and kind words.

My thinking was that at 60fps I would be more likely to get useful frames in this fleeting nanoseconds of clarity. How wrong can you be? :lol:

I'll try all your advice out next time I get a chance.

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk 2

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