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Televue 3.5mm in 10" Dob

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Hi all,

I have a 6mm Delos that I use a lot and love to bits for viewing Jupiter and Saturn amongst other things. I was wondering if I would use an eyepiece lower than that, say the 3.5mm Nagler. I realise that it will only be for some occasions wen the skies are good but is it worthwhile for those conditions. Has anyone used one with a 10" Dob?

I am assuming the 2.5mm would be pushing it too far and the 5mm Nagler is a bit close to the Delos. I don't like using Barlows.

Opinions please.


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I have the 6mm Ethos then 5mm and 3.5mm Pentax XW's and a 4mm Nirvana. The 5mm gets occasional use in my 10" F/4.8 newtonian as a highest power option but I find the 3.5mm is just too much magnification to get any use. Fortunately the 5mm, 4mm and 3.5mm get lots of use in my other scopes so they don't gather dust. I used to have a 3.5mm Type 6 Nagler but decided to move to the Pentax recently to match the 5mm.

I don't find the 5mm too close to the 6mm - the difference between 200x and 240x is sometimes important, depending on the seeing conditions.

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Thanks John,

You think a 5mm might be useful alongside the 6mm?


Well I find those two useful in the 10" scope. I like to have as much choice of high power eyepiece as I can get so I can find the optimum one for the seeing conditions on a particular occasion.

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