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24-10-2012 HA


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Haven't seen any postings lately so figured you guys are seeing grey skies out there in the UK. Had a chance to get out today so figured I'd share whats going on.

For the life of me could not compose a FD mosaic today, so just a couple sections of the disc. While I was recording AR1596 was crackling with bright plasma. The feature changed so rapidly I couldn't merge some images after processing. Wish I had done a time lapse.

Single PST, 2.5pwrmte, dmk41



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Another two crackers well done. I really like the colouring of your processing as it shows off the detail really nice.

Keep 'em coming as it looks like you have it all to yourself at the min with all this bad weather around the UK!

I'm hearing that the UK will be getting its 1st icy winter blast beginning of next week so it's great that you can post these images from across the pond to show us what we are missing.

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Hi All,

The sun came out here about 15:45, so solar scope was quickly assembled and a fine view was had through the double glazed window at work. Unfortunately, the sun is camera shy today and went behind cloud just as my DMK41 was getting to focus. Everything is still set up waiting for the next gap in the clouds.

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Oh, oh, oh, oh no! One decent gap came along just as the sun dipped below next door's roof. I considered moving in to another office but there was a big bank of cloud so it wasn't worth it and of course it is raining fast now.

Only good news [Alexandra] is that my DMK41 is now fixed after it's new firmware upload. With the full disc I was getting exposure times around 1/300th of a second, fairly consistent with my DMK21.

Think I will book a ticket to California, unless the sun makes an appearance tomorrow.

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Absolutely incredible work, very impressed :)

I need to work harder on my PST work!


Ah too kind. But I think you're being hard on yourself. Your PST imges are by far some the best I've ever seen. Especially for a non mod. I'm just fortunate to have plenty of Sun to work with. Heck, if it wasn't for you, I'd probably still be in Registax over cooking my wavlets, lol.

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