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Winjupos discussion

neil phillips

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I recently saw some images done with winjupos. were the imager used the combo of RRGGGGGBB So 2 reds, 5 greens and 2 blues Each 1 min captures. The images did look rather good, so i thought i would give it a try. Though i would have thought 5 reds 2 greens and 2 blues would have been better. So not sure why this amount of colours was used ?

The image came out ok, but nothing special. But it was the first capture of the night. ( thats often the worst ) So expecting too much, and not the best captures to tell how this technique fairs against others. Like 3 reds 3 greens and 3 blues for example.

A question i also have is this. is it better when doing 3 reds 3 greens and 3 blues, to do them in sequence ? in other words RGB-RGB-RGB or is it better to do RRR-GGG-BBB or does it infact really matter ? This combo of 2 reds 5 greens and 2 blues was done in sequence of all the reds then the greens then finishing with the two blues. As mentioned it was the first capture of the night. Not as good as my later ones recently posted. But i am talking about a technique so thought i would show the result


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Yes that makes sense to me, though I have no feel for how much rotation you can realistically remove before it all starts to fall apart. I had planned to do some experimenting but we never seem to get a clear Friday or Saturday night for me to grab a load of test data. Actually, we never seem to get any clear nights at all come to think of it...

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Yes that makes sense to me, though I have no feel for how much rotation you can realistically remove before it all starts to fall apart. I had planned to do some experimenting but we never seem to get a clear Friday or Saturday night for me to grab a load of test data. Actually, we never seem to get any clear nights at all come to think of it...

Too true Chris, so what technique, have you tried so far. RGB sequence, in that order, and what time scales ?

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I have only tried RGBRGBRGB so far, but the seeing fell off so fast after the first RGB I don't think I learned very much from the experiment.

I had some ideas about trying something along the lines of:

RGBLLLRGB for LRGB imaging. My thoughts were that it is the quality of the L channel that really matters. The trouble is getting a decent L channel is not so easy.

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I have only tried RGBRGBRGB so far, but the seeing fell off so fast after the first RGB I don't think I learned very much from the experiment.

I had some ideas about trying something along the lines of:

RGBLLLRGB for LRGB imaging. My thoughts were that it is the quality of the L channel that really matters. The trouble is getting a decent L channel is not so easy.

Luminence isnt something ive experimented with at all. My thoughts have always been that in white light yes we do get a nice low gain non noisey avi. But the poor uk seeing often affects it quite badly. So not a lot of benefit is gained from it. Though i know others tend to dissagree with that. If good lums can be got, then maybe it does lower noise levels, I am not sure if thats something i would spend time on or not. These assumptions are based on the times when ive taken white light images. Those times have often not been good. Red or IR seemed better

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I found that using an ADC made luminance very useful with Saturn and was keen to try it on Jupiter. Though with Jupiter being much higher and brighter than Saturn was, there is probably very little to be gained from it.

To be honest I think I just like experimenting with different ideas, not a great approach when there are precious few opportunities to be out there imaging...

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I found that using an ADC made luminance very useful with Saturn and was keen to try it on Jupiter. Though with Jupiter being much higher and brighter than Saturn was, there is probably very little to be gained from it.

To be honest I think I just like experimenting with different ideas, not a great approach when there are precious few opportunities to be out there imaging...

Again true Chris. Might still be worth trying the adc though, edge blues might improve ?

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