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Altair 102mm F7 Wave refractor..

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Finally taken the plunge and invested in (what I feel) will be my sole-mate of telescopes!.....(Altair Wave Super ED 102mm F7 refractor).

I'm currently awaiting delivery at the moment and (having got rid of my other scopes due to portability issues/needing the funds and coughing up the cash!) I am looking for some reassurance from people who either own one of these, or who have experienced viewing through one, that this will slake my thirst for a wonderful visual experience(main interest is still the moon/bright stuff in the sky etc)!!!!


I have opted not to have the viewfinder as I love and use my TELRAD so much. Is there enough room on the OTA to fit this or will I need to try some other ingenious way to attach it? :)

I look forward to your responses (nearly as much as to the arrival of my new eye-candy!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought one of these scopes in Kelling in September. I opted for the finderscope so I could use it to find the object I want to photograph. I'm aiming to keep the camera on the main scope most of the time.

There isn't alot of room for another finderscope, unless you have one that will fit the bracket designed for the right angled finder. I've put a cheap red dot on the guidescope to help with showing the area of the sky I'm pointing at. Fortunately I've got a side by side setup. You may be able to fit the telrad between the scope rings on riser brackets. That's the only space I've got left.

As to the view it's really good but I haven't photographed anything yet as it clouded over just as I was starting my 5 minute exposures and hasn't been clear when I've been in since!!! New scope curse strikes again.

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Congratulations on the new scope :smiley:

My Vixen ED102SS is F/6.5 so a similar size tube I guess and . I don't think I'd put a Telrad on the tube, although it would just about fit, as it would look a little ridiculous I feel.

I use a Vixen red dot finder on it and it works well. I do have another finder shoe on the scope which I can fit an optical finder into but I rarely do.

Scopes of this type are rather nice to have though. Compact but capable !

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  • 1 month later...

Congrats on your new scope, I am sure you love it. If your scope takes a synta style finder base and you like a Telrad then you'll love a Baader Skysurfer V. I have one on my refractor and only today bought another for my dob, real quality, the RR of RDF IMHO

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