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Photoshop Error message?

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Hello hope you can help Iv stacked all my subs of the viel nebula in deep sky stacker, all ok but trying to open it in photoshop it comes up with a message "could not complete your request because there is not enough memory (ram)" the tiff file is 164Mb, Iv got 7.11 Gb free on the hard drive? Just wandering why it won't open? Anyone have any ideas?

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Hello hope you can help Iv stacked all my subs of the viel nebula in deep sky stacker, all ok but trying to open it in photoshop it comes up with a message "could not complete your request because there is not enough memory (ram)" the tiff file is 164Mb, Iv got 7.11 Gb free on the hard drive? Just wandering why it won't open? Anyone have any ideas?

i've had this a number of times trying to open a DSS exported TIFF file for post-processing in PS CS4. Not sure what causes it, but the only way i found around it was to re-stack in DSS and get a new TIFF file exported. There's quite a few posts on t'interweb about the problem, but few of them with resolving solutions - those that do offer solutions say to increase the memory allowed for use by PS to as much as you can afford (edit > preferences > performance) as well as increasing your Windows system page file size. Combined, these help to alleviate the problem somewhat, but i'm still encountering problems occasionally, although nowhere near as often as i was.

edit: here's an thread on the official Adobe Photoshop page regarding the issue and possible workarounds.

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