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Newly modded camera


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After a great deal of thought and hesitation, I've finally removed the IR cut filter on my 1100D. It's a fairly straightforward job and would have taken no time at all, except for the excessively tight screws holding the case together. I managed to strip the cross heads on three, but was able to drill out the heads and once the camera case was open it was easy enough to remove the threaded shanks. Luckily I've been holding on to an old Canon film camera, which I was able to cannibalise for replacement screws.

Despite a few expletives and tense moments it was worth it and I'm pleased with the results. This image of IC 1396 is my first with the modded camera, and because of the cloud I only managed to recover 8 lights for stacking. The nebula was barely visible in the stacked image from DSS, and to produce anything at all I've had to stretch the image to the point where the brighter stars are burnt out. I'm looking forward to a clear night and more data.

Thanks for looking.


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