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Any advice on insurance. I have spent the following two days arguing, with brokers, that I like a lot of people in this hobby , I have equipment totalling over a couple of grand, and have to undertake my hobby mobile, can anybody advise me of a company that will give insurance cover, without breaking the bank or outright refusing cheers all


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Many home conents policies will cover for items used away from home. Usually subject to total and per item limits.

This is really intended for rings that fall off fingers, cameras thar get dropped of balconies and that sort of thing.

I have asked about this for expensive photo kit and no eyebrows were raised.

Provided there are no specific exclusions, and the allowances are big enough, this should work.

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As with David, I checked, and the home contents policy will cover all my kit, camera and astro, up to the individual item limit (they consider a lens and camera body to be separate items for instance). This includes while travelling.

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ok thanks guys, the two companys i have ask wanted a total value which if i add all my kit, your talking £14000 plus,

I did tell them that i never use all my kit, in one hit, but when i go away it dose all come with me, they have said we need to refure it

any way i`ll keep looking , once again thanks guys


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