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ye olde M42


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got a decent chance to try the modded Canon and astronomik filter. 2 x5 min shots of m42 with 2 x 20 seconds for the core. My hands were freezing at 3am and the guiding was playing up so had to call it a day. I really love the modded 1100d - such a great imaging system for so little money.

The color was good but difficult ot get right, not sure if it is.

any feedback very welcome:)

PS also noticed a got a 'face' in the image. Spooky. Next I'll see the Virgin Mary ar Ghandi in my cornflakes


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many thanks for the feedback. I was quite pleased with the performance of the camera. Noise levels were pretty good as the temperature has dropped in the evenings. The modification was definately worth while. The image below was the best I got get with my unmodded Nikon, with a lot more subs.

Hopefully more data with the Canon will improve the image no end.


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