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Calibration files in Maxim - Can someone please help!!!


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I hope someone can help me please - I am trying to sort out my calibration files in Maxim and I am confused as hell.

I have flats and I have bias - I have no darks.

What do I want to create? A master bias AND a master bias subtracted flat? Or do I no longer need the master bias if the flat is bias subtracted?

I am confused, confused and more confused and ready to throw the PC across the room!!

Can someone point me to a VERY simple, step by step preferably with pictures, guide of how I produce these? I really do NEED very simple!!

Please help!!!! I am a damsel in distress - Well not a damsel exactly, but very distressed!!!

Is this video on Youtube the easy way to do it?

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What do I want to create? A master bias AND a master bias subtracted flat? Or do I no longer need the master bias if the flat is bias subtracted?

You need A master bias AND a master bias subtracted flat. Flats are 'divided' into your 'lights' so no subtraction takes place when applying the flat.

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You need A master bias AND a master bias subtracted flat. Flats are 'divided' into your 'lights' so no subtraction takes place when applying the flat.

So I can make a master bias.

I can make a master bias subtracted flat.

Now how do I use them and do I need to use the individual flat files again of do the 2 masters do it?

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At the calibration widard you specify the dark, flat and bias frames, after that you select create master frames from the process menu and once the frames are created you save them as a fits file. for use at the light frames you select the stack option from the process menu and you add the light frames plus the calibration frames and check the auto calibrate option, then you select align and choos the alignment method and finally at the combine tab you calibrate and stack the frames automatically (after you select a combine method).

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So I add the masters into the lights stack and maxim knows that they are calibration files and deals with them? This is the info I'm missing so far, how to add the masters!! So I don't use the flat files ever again?

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