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Help Needed With HEQ5 Mount

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Hi All

I was hoping someone could help me with a problem I may be having setting up HEQ5 mount. I've had it all together once but when assembled and I was balancing it all, I noticed that in the more horizontal position (not that I imagine I'll be using it like that too much) the counterweights hit the front leg (labelled "N"). I checked the diagram in the manual it looks as though the counterweights are supposed to sit between two legs as opposed to being positioned above one. I took everything apart to see if I could turn the mount around on the tripod but there is a metal dowel on that tripod head that the mount fits over in only one direction.

Have I made some rookie error (for I am that rookie!) or do I have it right and the intention is simply that the telescope does not drop that low. Sorry if this is a ridiculous question and I have missed something obvious but I just want to be safe and not knacker anything before I've started.

I did try to search for similar topics but couldn't find anything. Any help would be much appreciated!

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There are times when either the counterweights or telescope tube will hit the tripod with any equatorial type of mount - its the biggest problem with the design! You will have to do what is called a "meridian flip" - nothing too complicated - just rotate the telescope around the declination axis by 180° and then re-position it using the polar axis. Basically you "swap the scope from one side of the mount to the other" - if that makes sense!

There is also the possibility that you don't yet have the mount set to the correct angle of latitude - the mount should be set so the polar axis is at the same angle as your latitude - around 52-54 degrees for your area of the UK. There are two opposing bolts that you use to make this adjustment. If the latitude is set too low (ie near horizontal) the weights probably will hit the tripod legs.

The tripod will be set with one leg north and the other two SE and SW.

Hope this helps.

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