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Judging Star Magnitudes

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One of the tasks with my course last year was plotting the light curve of a variable star - Algol as it happened. Unfortunately the clouds intervened for most of the time and the chance of viewing for successive nights was never on.

But looking at that star the other night started me thinking about just how easy it is to judge star magnitudes, especially the fainter ones. Can you really easily tell the difference between magnitude 7 and 9 through a scope?

So how good are you? And have you any tips?

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I used to do variable star observing (and still use the skills for estimation of brightness of supernovae), and the trick is to get a map with stars of know magnitude near a variable one. the AAVSO produces them, though you can also use Stellarium. It is then a matter of comparing the variable to the known stars. I like switching my eye quickly between known and variable star. Staring at a star does not work for me.

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