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Partial Planetary First Light


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So of course when you are able to observe, its cloudy every night. When you go to a party, its perfectly clear and crisp.

So after getting back from the party (had a bit of cider) I see jupiter is up.

Not had a chance to see it in my new Skywatcher 200p Dob yet. Quickly stumble around to get the scope out the front of the house on the pathway. I plonk in the scope down quickly get jupiter in the finder (already see 4 moons) and whack in the standard 25mm. What a sight! Even with the full moon glaring above me and the road in the direction of jupiter lit up with sodium street lights. Scope not even cooled, I see several pale bands and 5 bright moons. I feel like a little kid at christmas. I tried the 10mm too but It was very blurry so I spent a whole 5 minutes gazing at it through the 25mm.

If that was 5 minutes, scope not cooled, eyes not adjusted, covered in moonlight and streetlight. I cannot wait for the next clear night. I am absolutely hooked! I love my dobby. Yes my scope has a name thanks to my girlfriend naming it after that imp/goblin from Harry Potter, seeing as its a dobsonian ;)

Clear skies guys!

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