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First imaging of any sort. Jupiter 25/9


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Hi all,

Last night the clouds cleared to my delight and I had a crack at getting an image for the first time.

The seeing was not great, but I had a go at Jupiter using an asda webcam without IR filter and a film canister taped to it :p

This was from around 3000 frames stacked in registax. I'm completely new to this so I just pressed some buttons until it looked nice.

I have a 200p on a standard heq5.

Any suggestions for improving the image would be much obliged! But for my first image I think its ok. jupiter final.bmp

Many thanks,


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(Reposted with JPEG)

Hi all,

Last night the clouds cleared to my delight and I had a crack at getting an image for the first time.

The seeing was not great, but I had a go at Jupiter using an asda webcam without IR filter and a film canister taped to it :p

This was from around 3000 frames stacked in registax. I'm completely new to this so I just pressed some buttons until it looked nice.

I have a 200p on a standard heq5.

Any suggestions for improving the image would be much obliged! But for my first image I think its ok.

Many thanks,


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That's a really good start - well done. With that many frames, you might consider being stricter about which you include. With 3000 frames to work from, you might want to include, say, just the top 10% or 20% sharpest frames so that there are no blurry images at all going into your final picture. That can make a big difference.

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