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White light Sun, 22nd September


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No major problems getting the images for this one, but for some reason it turned out to be an absolute pig to get to stack cleanly. I'm not even convinced that I'm happy with it now. 24 of 120 subs of 1/1000th @ ISO100, Canon 450D and 127 Mak.



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Are you kidding? That detail knocks the socks off my attempts! Did you use a colour filter or was the yellow edited in?

We all have to start somewhere. I just try to learn something from every imaging session, even if I end up throwing all the data away (and there have been plenty of those).

The colour is added in photoshop. Although I like pure white light images because they're more true to what you see, I think I prefer the false colour image because it shows up the surface granulation. It's purely a matter of personal taste.

The original images are taken using my 127 Mak with a home-made Baader solar film filter and my 450D with a T-thread converter straight onto the back of the scope. Adding anything else into the optical train makes the image almost impossible to keep on the sensor as there are probably only a couple of hundred pixels to spare either way as it is and the image gets larger the further from the back of the scope that you move the focus point (Maks and SCTs focus by moving the primary mirror, which moves the focus point, rather than it being fixed as is the case with a newt or refractor).


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