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Tonight's observation diary-Ipswich


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Hello all,

At the outset, my apologies for a longish report. This would perhaps sound familiar to you, and might take you back to your days as a beginner.

I settled in for a good afternoon nap, after India lost to NewZealand in the twenty twenties, and a mild lunch. The nap was a refreshing one, especially considering that I'd returned home this morning after a night out at work, with a major upgrade task.

6 pm woke up to telly and somemusic.

6 15 pm the wife threatens to sell the telescope if I dont take it out.

6 30 Out of bed succumbs to the threat and after a cup of tea, off to set the telescope up, after confirming that the skies are clear

6 45 balancing done. that is some relief, I've been balancing it in under 20 minutes for the last two attempts, after my rant last time at the forum.

Went back in to pick the eye pieces up and find turn left at orion.

7 15 - 7 30 browse the book and decide on the targets for the night.Ok. Targets decided.

a) Albeiro

b)double double

c)ring nebula

d) Dumbell nebula.

7 45 pm Come out and look up. mm Skies stil darkening look up south, Jupiter is sinking down in the horizon slowly. Now about turn and looked up, polaris can be seen right between my eyebrows

Looked up to see the summer triangle. Now, time to align the finder scope- brought vega in the finder,plonk the 25mm EP in- star looked okay and in focus.

Still not dark enough. pop back in, said "hi" to Peonic on IM, had another snack and then came out again.

Now I thought it is certainly dark enough. Tried to find Shaliek and Sulafat near vega and failed-perhaps not dark enough?

target a- Albeiro

Move over and try to spot albeiro- thought I'd found albeiro well enough, an orangish star in the finder and sure enough, it is there in the EP. Plonk in a 10mm EP. I can clearly resolve an orangish star, but where is the blue star? Well not much luck. looked around,no luck yet. Came back for one more look at turn left at orion- "look for a cross that runs between vega and altair. Back outside again. some more dark adaptation and off to find albeiro. Now try to imagine a cross- look through the finder and find another star in the vicinity- orangish again.. look through the EP- ah that is a lot better, I can now resolve the stars well.

Target c M57

Find Shaliek and Sulafat again- no luck again. go back to vega, back and forth a few times to no avail.

Target c double double

This one seems a lot easier to find. right next to vega two stars. Try to split them further with a 10mm EP, no luck. try again, no luck- remember what turn left at orion says- try again, dont despair. Right, back to finding the M57 now.

Target c M57

Back to vega. I can clearly see Sheliak and Sulafat in the naked eye why not in the finder? Try again, dont give up- move around for an unmeasured period of time and look up to confirm, ah that looks like Sheliak and sulafat. Now back to the EP. I have a 25 mm EP. look around, to no avail- perhaps I am not used seeing the ring at all and am not able to find it in the 25 mm EP? perhaps. so put the 10mm EP in and focussed at the stars around. moved up a bit, and...oops.. is that the M57? perhaps.. but I am still in doubt- perhaps i am mistaken.. surely not, that is a faint fuzzy ring. Looked up now, and looked back in- this is surely the ring nebula. screams of joy and delight. I've found my first Messier object by myself. Ran back in to get the laptop and scream to peonic over the messenger- the ring was now at the edge. This is surely the ring nebula and I am not dreaming. Next half an hour was bliss looking at the ring nebula and trying without luck to spot the two stars at the centre of the ring. Ah.. is that the ring that's just disappeared? yes.. surely.. ah a look up and a scowl- those are definitely clouds.. bah..! okay that looks like a passing set. Rotate the slow motion wheels and approximately keep the imaginary ring in the field of view.The clouds've passed by sure enough, the ring was in the field of view. Another fifteen minutes passed by looking at the ring,which again disappeared, this time behind my tree.

target d M27

Okay turn left at orion says, Find altair- looked up, couldn't find altair. Why..? In my excitement at looking at the ring, I've managed to ignore the horde of clouds passing over my house.

That gentlefolk, seems to be the end of the day's play.



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Glad to hear you found M57 Prasad. Its one of those objects that can be hard to locate but thats a cinch to find after the first time. If you want to try for the central stars you need to a high a magnification as possible, even if the detail in the nebulosity breaks down as a result.

Sound like you had a great night!! ;)

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Yes I did indeed. I thought a 10mm EP was about optimal to see the ring. It is definitely hard to find in a 25 mm EP- or atleast, have not mastered the art yet. Will look at splitting double double again next, and try to find the M27. I have almost given up on the M31- looks like too much LP in the eastern/north eastern skies.



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I was getting excited reading your report Prasad. It was almost like being there, I was even getting twitches, and wanting to push you out of the way muttering here let me have a go. ;)

You will come up against frustrations many times, as I sure you will be aware of. Although at times it is difficult, you have to keep cool and resign yourself to the fact that the weather you have no control over. Just put your gear away, and go listen to some calming classical music.

It works for me.

Good report, keep them coming, they will mark your progress for us.

Best Wishes.

Ron. :wink:

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Thanks Ron, for the encouragement.

lthough at times it is difficult, you have to keep cool and resign yourself to the fact that the weather you have no control over. Just put your gear away, and go listen to some calming classical music.

Well said, Ron.That does help. You missed one small bit there- a shot of whiskey ;)



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Thanks Ron, for the encouragement.

lthough at times it is difficult, you have to keep cool and resign yourself to the fact that the weather you have no control over. Just put your gear away, and go listen to some calming classical music.

Well said, Ron.That does help. You missed one small bit there- a shot of whiskey :wink:



You know Prasad, I almost included the whisky in my suggestion, but I thought perhaps you were a non drinker.

So I hereby modify my previous suggestion to include a glass of Malt, and I wish you success with your next viewing session.

Ron. ;)

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That was a great report to read - reminds me almost exactly of the first time I found M57 and M27 with the help of TL@O. So far, I've eventually found everything I've used it to look for, I find its instructions are spot on and nice and easy to follow. M27 is easy enough if you can see the "arrow" of Vulpecula with the naked eye, then aim the finderscope at it as best you can.

Best of luck finding more stunning objects in the future!


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