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web cam newb after some tips


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hello all

since i got my scope i have been out at all hours of the night practising where to point etc.

i liked the idea of viewing the moon through laptop so got a cheapo webcam off amazon, its called a kinobo b7 and is 5megpix.

the lens screwed off and i got an adapter cheap which fits fine.

playing in daylight i can focus perfectly using sharpcap and a chimney pot a good distance away, but when trying to view the moon last night i found it difficult to focus and the image appeared to be a pink`ish hue.

any advice would be greatfully received..

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The pink colour is caused beause the webcam no longer has an IR filter. The filter is normally part of the lens and when the lens is removed for astro photography infra red light will now fall onto sensor causing the hue. The lack of a filter will also cause problems with getting a sharp image. IR light focuses at different plane to visible light so makes the image slightly blurred if not filtered out. I don't think your camera have a true 5mp sensor, this is resolution is usually an interpolated still image resolution and the normal video resolution is lower.


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cheers peter,

im not expecting miracles in any way shape or form , and did have doubts as to true m/pix but i like tinkering as its a good way to learn.

will check out ir filter and see what happens.

wish id done this yrs ago cos im enjoying it big time :laugh:

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