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Planets this morning......Bobby Dazzler!


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Got up nice and early this morning, something like 4am. Another stunning sky to behold ;)

DX300 was ready to roll, so it was straight over to Mars. Hasn't grown much since I last looked with the C8-N....ie it's well tiny!

Got a reasonable disk at 400x and some hint of detail but again nothing more than a hint.

Hats off to Martin and Pete for their superb images.

By far the better target was Venus. Shining incredibly bright low on the Eastern horizon and so dazzling i couldn't take my eye off it. Don't normally bother looking at Venus with a scope but boy was it worth it! Lovely thin crescent and a huge size compared to Mars. Unbarlowed in the 10mm dwarfed Mars in the 7.5mm with the 2.5x barlow.

I strongly recommend getting up early to see Venus and while you're up, taking a look at Mars too.


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It's the thought of waking up to clouds and then not being able to go back to sleep...

I wouldn't do it unless all weather forecasts were in absolute 100% agreement it would be 100% clear!

That said i was out like a light 5.30 ;)

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Yup i was up around 4 and had a squint at Venus and Orion through my binos.

I think if it was cloudy you could still see Venus as its very bright at the moment.

Mpnday morning was the same except there was a cresent Moon just above Venus,that was very nice to see them hanging there.

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