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I use PI 64bit pretty much exclusively. Harry's tutorials would be a good starting point. PI forums have some good tutorials too.

PI has a lot of obscure hidden functionality that you'd not know unless you experiment or research.

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Oh dear. I found an "auto STF" function, so I tried it, and I got this error in the console:

run --execute-mode=auto "/usr/local/pixinsight/src/scripts/AutoSTF.js"

Processing script file: /usr/local/pixinsight/src/scripts/AutoSTF.js

*** Error [001]: /usr/local/pixinsight/src/scripts/AutoSTF.js, line 132: ReferenceError: ScreenTransferFunction is not defined

Google isn't helping, so I guess it's time to try out the support...


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I am trying to use it because I have been watching your videos Harry, but I can't find it anywhere. Where in the process explorer does it

appear? In your video it's in "Favourites", but it's not there in mine and I can't find it anywhere else :(


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Ho ho ho. I'm using Linux rather than Windows, but your suggestion led me in a helpful direction (after I'd reinstalled it, which I now need to do again...)

I reinstalled from scratch and STF was there. But when I first restarted after installing all the updates near the top of the console window where it scrolled off rather quickly was the error message:


<* failed *>

*** PixInsight API Error: Module: /usr/local/pixinsight-x86/bin/IntensityTransformations-pxm.so

Cannot load library /usr/local/pixinsight-x86/bin/IntensityTransformations-pxm.so: (/usr/local/pixinsight-x86/bin/IntensityTransformations-pxm.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3pcl22PreviewSelectionDialogC1ERKNS_6StringE): Module load error

and STF had disappeared. I'm guessing that is the module that contains it. On future restarts, one fewer modules is loaded and the one with the error has been

silently dropped.

So, I guess I now need up reinstall from scratch once more and do all the updates except the one that causes the above problem and with any luck it should work.


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Seems to be a large amount of issues surrounding libraries and the links between them (it looks like the pixinsight can't be linked with the expected linux libraries). What version of linux are you using - also what variant? (ie 32 or 64 bit? binaries and operating system)

I'd pop over to the PI forums - they have a bug report forum.

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I emailed support last night because I didn't have access to the forums, but haven't had a response yet. If they're working from Spain then it's entirely possible they've not got that far yet, so I'll give them more time.

Looks like my forum signup has now been approved however, so I'll post there too in case someone can help more quickly.


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Progress, of a sort. It appears that the authorization error was a problem at PI's end that prevented the trial version from working because it connects to their server every time it is run.

I'm now in a position to confirm that without the IntensityTransformations update everything works fine so there's clearly a problem with that particular update.


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