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M31 - AG8 & STL1100 - 2nd Attempt


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For those who have seen my previous thread http://stargazerslou...1-ag8-stl1100m/, I mentionned that I wasn't happy with the stars shapes... Therefore I started all over again: removing the primary mirror cell to apply the Catseye HotSpot, and to check the mirror (I was told optics could been slighlty pinched). Put it everything back together and collimated the scope once again.

I think there is a major improvement in the overall quality of the image, at least CCDInspector says so...

The mid attachement is the first attempt.

Two others are the new version: 4h30 light (10 min subs) + 20 min per color channel ( Bin 2x2, subs 2 min).

No, of course I still have that same very bad sky of mine and that is not something easy to fix.

Comments are more than welcome.

Thanks for watching.




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