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NGC 7331 ????


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I was looking for Stephan's Quinet, and this popped up as a very faint fuzzy, I think its NGC 7331, if some kind sole wants to stretch the image there is another cluster off to the edge, the image has not been modified so its as a Reflector would take it back to front and upside down the TIFF image is 421meg if anybody wants it, PM me some place to drop it, 10 X 60 seconds @ 800 iso, DSS with 2 XDrizzle, the Jpeg is 12 meg, direct link ....http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n82/tinker3480/Deepspace/Shedir800-45.jpg


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Looks like NGC 7331 to me... Why not have a go at processing it yourself? I bet there's a fair bit of detail yet to be pulled out.

I did pop it in CS2 for 10 minutes and found other fuzzies around that area, there are some off to one side which could be what i was search for in the first place, but time is not something i have a lot of atm...

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I was looking for Stephan's Quinet, and this popped up as a very faint fuzzy, I think its NGC 7331, if some kind sole wants to stretch the image there is another cluster off to the edge,


I'm more of a heel....... :grin: but here's a bit of a rough stretch which begins to show the group off to the upper right of the image.

If you have time to spend on it in CS5 you could have a very nice wide field image there.


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