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Advice on camera purchase


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One of the local camera shops has a secondhand Canon 500D (body only) for £200. I believe this is a rather good price and I am seriously considering a purchase. Currently I have no other astro gear except for binoculars and a couple of books.

My intention is to start with wide field photos using a tripod (which I don't have yet, looking for advice on one really). I obviously have to get a lens for the above camera and was thinking of the standard 18-55mm kit lens off the Bay or something similar. Or buying an adaptor for older ED lenses and buying primes "cheap" off the Bay and using them in manual focus mode.

Any advice very welcome!


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It is only because I have a canon T90, which I located again a day or two back, but the lens are EF's. :eek: :eek:

You have been reading too much about ED scopes. :grin: :grin:

If you can get one of the APO lens that Sigma used to produce it is worth looking out for one, but getting hard to find. If I recall Vivitar used to make a very good f/2.8 (Series 1) for canons but they really are rare.

You may find it as easy to buy a WO72 or 70 and simply attach that to the body.

TS do ED scopes at 70mm perhaps they have one that is worthwhile considering and simply jumping in.

If a 50mm is wanted for wide angle Canon did a 1.4 that is good, bit faster then the 1.8 that came as the standard.

Mountwise:- Equitorial and with motors.

To override the camera defaults look on Amazon for a Shoot (thats the brand) Remote Cord (Well that is what the box says). Alternative words are Camera Remote Timer. Cost about £23-25.

You plug it into the camera then can set the exposure duration up to something like 99 minutes.

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