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Heat reflective covers - DIY or cheaper alternatives to TeleGixmos?

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We are building a conservatory which will house our scope, at least in the winter when It will not get too hot in there.

Pondering whether we risk leaving it in their spring / autumn when daytime temps. could be higher & I know a heat reflecting cover would help.

Googling only seems to bring up these http://www.365astronomy.com/telegizmos-cover-for-10-12-tube-dobsonians-p-1865.html

look good but pricy for a 10" Dob.

I know how people on here have sought out bargins or like to DIY ( thanks to them I have a camping mat dew shield and cheap Maplins EP case) so, has anyone found a cheaper option or made one themselves from a specialist material?


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Ive not used one but have you thought about things like this - http://www.beautyexp...lanket-PS08.htm it's just a thermal blanket designed to keep heat in when hypothermia sets in but it will reflect heat, if 1 isnt enough selotape a couple together.


edit - this is just one i found after googleing i cant say wether its good or bad

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I wouldn't bother with the expense of a heat reflective cover if it's indoors - just don't cool it down too rapidly on a hot day or you'll risk the optics cracking. Bit like not blowing hot air on a cold scope to demist it. The main thing is to make sure the sun doesn't shine down the tube which will fry the scope and/or burn a hole in the nearest wall. So keep the main cap on the open end of the scope :)

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Thanks guys. I guess at the cost of Kevdans' suggestion might as well try that, even if it only serves as a glorified dust cover. Then can see how hot it does get during sunny days and progress accordingly.

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