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27-7-12 - Sun in HA


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Managed to snap this shot of the sun in HA with a PST, DMK21 and a barlow lens given to me by Ant. I seemed to loose some of the surface detail when I merged the two pictures, but generally pleased.

Each exposure was around 1,000 frames and I took the best 350 or so for stacking.

I also need to find a way to get more surface detail, possibly need more frames to start with and use a higher quality?

One quick question, I didn't use an IR filter and I am guessing this is correct as the Etalon should be narrow band?

It's sunny again today, stuck at work at the mo, but hopeful of another go later.


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Thanks Freddie. And thanks for the confirmation on the IR filter.

My sun has gone now, in fact it is raining and I am still stuck at work. Too much work, not enough time for star/sun gazing.

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Try a session just focusing on the surface (if you excuse the pun!)

I find the tuning needs to be tweeked between the proms and the surface detail. (some others are lucky/ happy to just push the gain...)

Work with Registax 5.1, pick the best 10% and gently apply some level 6, 5, 4 wavelets in decreasing amounts....

Practise, practise, practi.....

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Hi Merlin,

All good pointers, thanks, it is just practice. I did take some more pics today and posted one on another thread on here, which is an improvement. Since posting that picture I have reprocessed using 'Drizzle' and selected a different frame/alignment size, the result is much more detailed and sharp.

I didn't finish it before going out for the evening, so will have to post tomorrow.

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