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2nd stepper motor control question


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I'm currently using and Arduino Uno and Easydriver (+SGL codes) to control my focuser. I'm looking to run the scope remotely and need to add a second stepper to control the focus on the OAG camera.

Whats the best way to do this?

Can I use the same Uno via a second easydriver board and a second instance of the SGL code?

Really need an idiots guide here...

Many thanks

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I'm just getting into Arduinos too :) Maybe we could do with a general Arduino thread covering the various versions plus control and sensor modules etc. I intend making one or two focusers. I have an Arduino Nano on order for my camera cooling temperature control.

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Can I use the same Uno via a second easydriver board and a second instance of the SGL code?

Theoretically one Arduino can drive many EasyDriver boards, only limited by the number of I/O pins on the Arduino. You need 2 pins per EasyDriver (STEP and DIR) or 3 pins if you want to be able to power down the EasyDriver from the Arduino. With minimal Arduino code change you could then run one stepper at a time. Being able to control several steppers at the same time would require significant code changes.

But (there always has to be a "but" :-) ).....

The control software on the PC side (i.e. the ASCOM driver or the Standalone app) must be designed to control several steppers in *one* application. The PC and the Arduino communicate over *one* (virtual) COM port. Any one COM port can only be opened from one application. So you can't just run several instances of the PC software. Only the first would work. Any subsequent instances will not be able to open the COM port.

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Hi Chris, I've moved this thread to:

Mainly because where Gina started her beginners thread my original question got somehow lost...

Neil C has made some comments in the new thread. At the mo I'm not sure what to do and will possibly leave things until the new obsy is built. Although it would be good to have something together for when its built....


ps Hows your mount support?

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Ah, I see. I was working through new threads and replies from the bottom up and hadn't got to the other thread yet. ;-)

The mount adapter hasn't seen much use, to be honest. Mostly because of the terrible weather and time. And I don't think it will see much use at its current place either. I might as well announce it: We have finally found a house to buy and will hopefully move there in about 5-6 weeks. Observatory construction is imminent! :D

The adapter will then sit on top of a pier and hopefully see a lot more use....

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Ah, I see. I was working through new threads and replies from the bottom up and hadn't got to the other thread yet. ;-)

The mount adapter hasn't seen much use, to be honest. Mostly because of the terrible weather and time. And I don't think it will see much use at its current place either. I might as well announce it: We have finally found a house to buy and will hopefully move there in about 5-6 weeks. Observatory construction is imminent! :D

The adapter will then sit on top of a pier and hopefully see a lot more use....

That's good Chris :) Happy for you :)
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Thanks Gina.

I have been ordered to start with the obsy build as soon as possible. :)

Not because Agata wants me to have an obsy as soon as possible but because she wants to have "all that stuff" out of the house as soon as possible. :D

But who am I to question WHY I should start building, as long as I can start building...

I have decided to base my obsy strongly on your design. So there'll be some questions coming your way soon with regards to any up-to-date design plans and so on... :D

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Thanks Gina.

I have been ordered to start with the obsy build as soon as possible. :)

Not because Agata wants me to have an obsy as soon as possible but because she wants to have "all that stuff" out of the house as soon as possible. :D

But who am I to question WHY I should start building, as long as I can start building...

:D Good :)
I have decided to base my obsy strongly on your design. So there'll be some questions coming your way soon with regards to any up-to-date design plans and so on... :D
I'm flattered :) Ask away :)
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Yes indeed, good luck with the move Chris :) It's a stressful time but at least you have the obsy building to look forward to. All the best to Agata too :)

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