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tips for viewing Mars with 200p dob

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There has probably been a topic about it before,

Yesterday I tried to view Mars with 10mm + Barlow and 4mm EP on its own, yet I still got a red dot without any detail

What is magnification required for this planet? Or do I wait before Mars comes 'looping' closer towards the earth again in bout 2 years time?

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I think the "tip" is to wait until 2014 when Mars next makes a close approach and reaches a more reasonable apparent diameter. It is really tiny at the moment and will remain so for some time I'm afraid.

When it is closer, high magnification, good seeing conditions and a well collimated scope will help tease out some nice details with an 8" scope.

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I think the "tip" is to wait until 2014 when Mars next makes a close approach and reaches a more reasonable apparent diameter. It is really tiny at the moment and will remain so for some time I'm afraid.

When it is closer, high magnification, good seeing conditions and a well collimated scope will help tease out some nice details with an 8" scope.

That's funny John, I was going to post the exact same thing.

Wait until the 8th of April 2014, it is at opposition then.

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I've just been viewing Mars with a 6" refractor at 240x. I saw a very small salmon pink disk, slightly gibbous and with a hint of a pole cap at one end. It's very small indeed and it's proximity to the horizon this evening did not help it's clarity. The only filter I was using was a William Optics VR-1 to reduce the false colour produced by the refractor. I could not see any definite surface markings and the pole cap was much less distinct than when Mars was at it's closest to us a few months back. It's nice to say "hello" to the red planet again (or au revior perhaps ?) but it's too small for serious observing at the moment I feel.

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