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In Cumbria, they're everywhere ...


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I was camping in Borrowdale a few weeks ago, on a mission to do nothing in particular. I had a Skymax with me, and, since the moon was setting behind the mountains, I snapped a few moonset shots just with a dSLR T-mounted on. They weren't great - the camera's display has no live view, and focusing through the viewfinder is tricky. I knew this, and wasn't too fussed.

The horizon was high, as can be seen bottom left in this shot:


I snapped a few more shots of the moon as it set and started to think of other things to look at, but then this happened:


Skymax 127, Synscan AZ, Nikon D3000.

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I should have mentioned it's a sheep - a sheep which isn't scared of heights, too. Cumbria has sheep (despite Defra's best efforts). The 'scope was pointing up at maybe 30 deg, but I was at the bottom of a valley. That sheep is close to a cliff edge.

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