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Hi all, I was hoping some of you could help me. a few days ago I contacted OU regarding S281, The rout I was hoping to take was to get a loan to do the course, but I got some bad news, because I hold a higher qualification (Degree) I could not qualify for the loan, this way is the only option open to me, under the circumstances. However I am determined to do the course with or without the qualification, this is where I need your help. I have just purhased of the internet 4 doors on S281, I have no idea if there are more, the books I managed to get are as follows.

The Star and the Interstellar Medium (Book 1)

The Planets (Book 2)

Galaxies (Book 3)

Cosmology (Book 4)

In the first book it mentions a video sequence 2, The magnetic Sun. I can not find this, or any other if there is more than one, which I no doubt there is, I dont suppose any of you have one you no longer require or a copy, also if there are other books which are needed can you list them for me.

Many, many, many thanks


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OK first off, I doubt most people on this site even know what S281 is, or OU for that matter. Secondly what is '4 doors on S281'? And finally, I was in the same position as you, I am not eligible for a loan on my second degree (physiotherapy) as I already took a student loan. In this situation you really need to know that the course is going to be worth it as it will be a struggle financially. Don't get me wrong, I love astronomy, obviously! But do you know what job you will be qualified to do with this degree? Are there any of these jobs available in the current market? Unfortunately in this life, you cannot always have a job which matches your passion.

Please don't take this as an attack, it is just that there are so many courses out there currently (especially for foreign students as they pay increased fees) because all the university is interested in is fees, they will pass you then release you with no consideration of employability. Often these fees are paid for by grants that students receive, So essentially, the university is taking money from the government as profit and teaching whatever they like irrespective of the job market.

I may sound tainted but I speak from personal experience and a fair amount of involvement in the higher education system.

No, sorry, I don't have those books.


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Look on it not so much as having to pay to do a course, but as a downpayment on the opportunity to get a hefty student discount on useful stuff like Photoshop :)


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Sorry about some of the mistakes (Doors) books, it is ment to read books not doors, and (OU) Open University. Its not a job career I am interested in but to gain experiance in astronomy then move on the cosmology. (S281) is the course number intitled Astronomy and Planetary, Science which I am interested in. My last Degree I paid for personally as at the time I had my own business and could afford to pay, but times have changed and the situation leaves me unable to pay, the only rout was the loan., I am now going through the self taught path, this is the reason to my previous question regarding the books and the video.

It is to see if other infomation is required and if known, where to get it :grin:

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