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Quantum jumping - is it possible?

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I think it's a load of coo coo to me, a person making money out of the weak


We can all sit/lie down and think about ourselves and our place in the universe. That's just thinking about things, you certainly don't need this blokes help to do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, that's the best 97 bucks I've ever spent.

Off now to my caribbean island paradise as I've a dinner date with one of twenty wives.....................................

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  • 3 months later...
I invented Quantum Jumping about 31 years ago, after spending decades studying meditation, yoga, hypnosis, and a variety of other spiritual and metaphysical disciplines.

So he wasn't studying Quantum Mechanics, Partical Physics or Theoretical Physics.

Also "Quantum" relates to sub-atomic particles, he doesn't look sub-atomic to me, could even cause his own gravity well in space-time.

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