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refractor for visual only


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The C11 OTA is a great scope, and will no doubt meet your needs. I own it myself as part of the Nextar 11 GPS, and while I will acknowledge that the fork mount does add considerably to the overall bulk and weight, I would not be quite so quick to dismiss that as a concern. My 11" gets perhaps 10% as much use as my 4" refractors soley because it is such a hassel to carry ouside and set up. I do not know the specifications of the sky-tee 2, but you will have to counterweight the other side of the mount if you want as smooth motion as it is capable of giving, and over the long term, not damage the bearings in the mount. Thus adding even more weight to the overall set up.

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It is always difficult to know which is the best scope to buy especially if you want something for quick grab and go. At the moment my SkyTee is set up at the end of the garden with a 4" APO frac on one side and a PST on the other. However, if I honest my favourite quick grab and go is my 6" f5 Newt - very light and very cheap. My main observing is with a 10" Dob although sometimes I just grab the smaller Newt.

If you want a scope for all round performance which will fit your SkyTee and will be good on DSOs, Planets, doubles etc I would place a 8" SCT as Michael suggested.

Good luck with your decision.


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