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Registax problems

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I'm still having trouble with Registax!

First I click Select then set Align points then Align. That didn't do anything so I clicked Limit. The image disappeared and reloaded with no change. So clicked on the image and then I was able to press the stack button. The image had green lines all of the image and It never completed stacking. What am I doing wrong?

I was using 8 or 10 images. Was that too many for Registax to process?

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You need to do the alignment before you try "Limit". If Registax doesn't set any up automagically when you've hit "select align points" then you'll have to click on the image to create your own. Probably easiest to start with four or five until you have the hang of it. How many images are you trying to align?


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To be honest I don't know. As far as I can tell registax shows me 1 picture I have no Idea how it aligns them all when you can only do them one at a time and you only get shown one. When I was selecting the images to stack I was using 10 images.

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There's a slider towards the bottom of the Registax window that allows you to switch between frames. There's also an input box labelled "Go to" or something along those lines that allows you to pick a specific frame.


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Failing that, the South Wales SGL massive is. well. fairly large. Perhaps if you posted in the South Wales social group asking if anyone could walk you through it you might find someone nearby who can help.


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I'm part of the group so that won't be a problem! :D

But the next meet isn't for a while :( and I don't have a laptop so could anyone give me a step by step guide to stacking with registax. Cutting out the computer speak!

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