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Has anyone had success in getting the street lights turned OFF?


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I live in Peacehaven East Sussex.The counsel replaced the lights

with the new down facing ones.The only trouble, these are a lot

taller which ment it was shining in the bed room .The Lewes

counsel, have now put a shield over the front of it.I can now

see the stars for the first time with out a glow.All this took was

a few phone calls. Very pleased.


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I might try and see if Wakefield council could get a scheme like this running. So I look on their website and locate the councillors in question. A link to an email is provided but alas, like all local government websites, they have moved or deleted the adress to send a message to. Their meeting date is colliding with one I do have on the same dates every month. Damn them.

So I may have to go to the council itself and ask nicely to make contact. I seem to havebeen lumbered with a street light over the road and it seems to be on all night. I will be cheeky and asked for it covered or even better to turn off at midnight as other council areas are doing. Chances with the council here is as me having as much sucsess in throwing a snowball at the sun and hitting it first try.

But it will keep me occupied while we have cloud cover.

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I might try and see if Wakefield council could get a scheme like this running. So I look on their website and locate the councillors in question. A link to an email is provided but alas, like all local government websites, they have moved or deleted the adress to send a message to. Their meeting date is colliding with one I do have on the same dates every month. Damn them.

So I may have to go to the council itself and ask nicely to make contact. I seem to havebeen lumbered with a street light over the road and it seems to be on all night. I will be cheeky and asked for it covered or even better to turn off at midnight as other council areas are doing. Chances with the council here is as me having as much sucsess in throwing a snowball at the sun and hitting it first try.

But it will keep me occupied while we have cloud cover.

Try just sending it to the general email address (customerservices@wakefield.gov.uk), hopefully they will pass it over to the correct department. That's how mine started. I got an acknowledgement, but heard nothing after 2 weeks, so sent it 3 more times over the following 3 weeks (once a week) until finally I got a response. So, in the absence of getting a direct email address for the person it needs to go to, it might be worth trying that :)

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Try just sending it to the general email address (customerservices@wakefield.gov.uk), hopefully they will pass it over to the correct department. That's how mine started. I got an acknowledgement, but heard nothing after 2 weeks, so sent it 3 more times over the following 3 weeks (once a week) until finally I got a response. So, in the absence of getting a direct email address for the person it needs to go to, it might be worth trying that :)

Got two emails back form a standard reflection server saying it will either be read in 5 days or responded to in 10 days. I wonder which one it will be for the timeframe.

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Probably 10 days!

Just keep perservering, like I did. As long as you remain polite they've got to respond eventually.

Having said that though, i am still waiting for a full decision, that is going to take a few more weeks apparently. There's no guarantee they'll say they can do anything though, I've just got to keep my fingers crossed. I offered to pay for a shield as well in the hope that would help them with their decision.

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Yeah that's roughly what I worked on, plus labour that can't be much more than that as it doesn't take them long to do it apparently.

However, I wouldn't agree to it until I knew how much it was of course!

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Ummm....well, i did say in my email that I'll pay unless it's a heck of a lot of money (I didn't use those words of course!). I'll wait and see, as I know that some people have had them installed for free and they can't make me pay unless I have signed to specifically do so (I hope! ha ha).

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