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ascom, eqmod and the sky 6 pro


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ascom, eqmod and the sky 6 pro

Hello everyone I am new to all the software and I am really really struggling to set up the ascom, eqmod with the sky 6 pro. First I have a comport now for the HitecAstro EQDIR adapter which took me a week to get a com port on my computer!!! Next I had to find the api software, which I have now got (I think) so to set it up with the sky 6 well I got to the next step in the box I put api pressed settings and I finaly got the ascom box up BUT no ascom eqmod (I think thats the one I want) to choose NOW I am stuck and really tired?eyepopping.gif Please help in simple terms. I think I need some more software? Thank you welcomesign.gif

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Install Ascom 6:-


Check you have installed EQASCOM the telescope driver:-


Check you have your EQDIR driver :-


With all of these installed you then need to attach your cable and check the com port it is using under System--Hardware---Ports (I think you have done this)

Then you need to open your Sky 6 software (sorry but I don´t have this so dont know the exact menus) and you go to the telescope settings and select Ascom driver. With ascom driver selected you should see the Ascom Chooser which is just a fancy name for a pop up window which has a drop down menu with all the Ascom telescope drivers installed. Under the menu will appear two Eqmod drivers 1. is the actual driver 2. is the simulator for testing. (says Simulator after it). Select the eqmod driver and click on settings and set up the COM port then click connect.

If you have any problems you could always install Carte du ciel, for testing only, and I could post a guide which pictures using my obs computer so that you can get it up and running easier.

Let me know if you need any more help.

Neil C

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On page 224 of the following the sky 6 manual it describes telescope setup:-


i would assume that under that menu you would be able to select ascom driver. Although reading your first post indicates you possibly need api¿? software as well? i'll have a quick look for that now.

ah ok the Ascom driver as the Sky is not Ascom compliant (thats ****):-


The required section from the above link is:-

In order to use ASCOM drivers for telescope control from within TheSky, you need to install the ASCOM "TeleAPI" plug-in. Download, unzip and read 'install.txt'. This gives instructions on how to install the adapter. After you have done this:

  1. Start TheSky
  2. In the Telescope menu, select Setup... TheSky's Telescope Setup window will appear.
  3. Set the Telescope or control system name to Telescope API.
  4. Click Settings... to display the ASCOM Telescope Chooser
  5. Select your telescope type in the Chooser.
  6. Now click Properties... in the Chooser. Verify the settings for your telescope type.
  7. Click OK in the Chooser.
  8. Click Close in Telescope Setup.
  9. Now, in TheSky's Telescope menu, select Link/Establish. You should see the crosshairs indicating your telescope's current position, and you now have telescope control in TheSky.

You need to do steps 2-9 only one time (unless you change your telescope type)

and this Ascom driver so The Sky 6 connects to TeleAPI and then tele API connects to the Ascom driver for eqmod:-


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