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Venus Transit/BBC Horizon


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Liz Bonnin explores the transit of Venus, an event which takes place just after 11pm tonight and offers a rare opportunity to see the planet passing across the face of the sun. She explains why the orbits of Venus and Earth mean they are only aligned twice every century, and investigates what studies of Venus have revealed about life on Earth. Solar physicist Lucie Green investigates James Cook's 1769 voyage to Tahiti to observe the transit, and oceanographer Helen Czerski explores how Earth and Venus came to be so different.

Lucie Green has been on S@N and Stargazing Live AFAIR, knew her stuff was interesting. Helen Czerski did the recent series on the orbit of the Earth and was also good. Liz Bonnin I've only ever really seen do lightweight stuff, but is at least a science graduate with an MSc., so should be capable of more "hard science" material. Hopefully it should be a good programme.


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