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I am considering buying a new/secondhand eyepiece to fill the gap between my 10 and 17mm eyepieces, ideally I would like the 13mm Ethos but I cannot justify (to myself) paying over £500 for it. So I am stuck between the Nagler 12mm which would give me 169 or the Pentax XW14mm which would give me 145??.

Would like your input please.

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The fairly narrow light cone on a C8 might not benefit the 100 degree field of the Ethos, however with a 10mm and 17mm, perhaps the 13mm nagler T6 @ x156 would be complementary, and still provide a wider field of view. I use this on my C8 and it is great on the current globulars, and for less than perfect skys for planetary observing.

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