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First solar observing session - which sunspot is this


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So, I made a filter from Baader solar film, a box of cheap wine and some cardboard and spent a happy half hour under a towel this afternoon.

I took a couple of pictures which included a big angry looking sunspot. Can anyone tell me what it is - my solar geography isn't up to much...



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Its AR (Ative Region) 1486 - the big spot and AR 1491 - the two smaller spots to the lower left.

A tad out of focus, if I may say so and, with South at the top, "upside down" which confused me a bit :( . But not to worry, its good for a first picture:cool:.

Try: http://www.solen.info/solar/ (scroll down) for todays full disc image (with N at the top :) ). AR 1486 is a bit nearer the edge of the disc now, due to the rotation of the Sun.

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Thanks for the info Bizibilder - that looks well useful (if very complicated) SanMatt, I used my Desire HD afocally through a 25mm EP on my 130p. I stuck it into Irfanview & cropped then fiddled with contrast & colour correction until it was as clear and contrasty as possible.

Thanks, chaps!

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