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Do I necessarily need a geared head for the Astrotrac?


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I just bought an astrotrac :hello2:and am wondering if I can use a Gitzo off-center ballhead for attaching the astrotrac to the tripod. I currently have a manfrotto ballhead that holds the camera with up to my 300mm fairly steady but don't trust it with the astrotrac as well, and since I was possibly looking at getting a better head for my everyday use, I was considering something like the GH 1276, GH 1780 or GH 2750, depending on what price I can get each for. From my understanding, the geared head makes polar alignment easier, but would getting precise alignment be possible with a head like one of the above or even just a standard ballhead with the proper load capacity?

Thanks for your help,


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I've not tried it as yet... cloudy since mine arrived. Personally, I'm not sure I'd want to try a ballhead (might just be the ballheads I have), as I find it really hard to get any fine adjustments. I was going to try with my 3 way head, as when that's tightened up a bit, it's adjustable without losing tension. I'm thinking a geared head may well be the way to go though.

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Okay, guess I will have to bite the bullet and buy the geared head. This has proven to be a very expensive hobby, as it always seems to be, my Nikon Aquisition syndrome has turned into a general photography gear aquisition syndrome.:)

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I've also just got an astrotrac and luckily did already have a 410 geared head. With that polar aligment is really quick and easy. However, a 3 way head would quite likely do the job quite well but a ball head would be extremely tricky. Certainly worth a try though before spending.

You can see my arrangement here http://stargazerslounge.com/showthread.php?t=189337&highlight=astrotrac


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i use a celestron AZ3 for mine, and i prefere it. ok its not AS portable as a camera tripod but its fairly light and more stable, and can take more weight. has built in slomo controls and built better!

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Thanks everyone, John, unfortunately I only have the one ballhead, so I have to get another head regardless. Dave thanks for that, I have my eye on a few 3 way heads on ebay as well, glad to know that should work also. Gaz, that is probably way more stable than my tripod, but I'm trying(and failing) to keep my setup fairly mobile(all in one pelican case for transport, the folded dimensions arren't quite going to make it. Thanks again!

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Thanks for the offer, but money seems to be flying out the window at the moment, can't afford a new mount anyway. The pelican case in question has room for about 28-30" with a head on, just enough to accommodate my current tripod, but width is also important, as the pod is only about 4" wide in the case, leaving plenty of room for my other gear. Thanks again, and thanks for helping with my other posts as well, you're a life saver. This is a pretty big "plunge" with a steep learning curve, but knowledge lasts a lifetime and I'm definitely looking forward to trying out the new gear in a week or two.

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