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First image of sunspot with PST and DMK21


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Hi all,

This is the first image I have been able to process with my new DMK21. I used my PST and a 2x Celestron barlow. The focus was slightly off because I couldn't see my laptop screen clearly (I'll have to use an umbrella next time). What do you think about the colourisation? Any further tips would be appreciated also.


- Daniel


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Sweet. Thanks for sharing. I have a pst and have been wanting to get a good ccd, like the one your using. It's nice to see the detail a good ccd can pick up compared to some generic webcams, which is what I'm using.

Post some more when you get your focus figured out. But still great image!

Along with the DMK, I'm also looking forward to getting a powermate to substitute the barlow. Awesomeness would only follow :)

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I was able to find a shady spot to hide with my laptop while my telescope was in the sun today. Took 13Gb of video (though focus was still very difficult because the atmosphere was very turbulent. Nevertheless I should be able to get some nice images processed and organised into a mosaic of the whole disk. We will see and I'll post back with results.

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