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Canon EOS 10D - WO66 for DSO's?


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Hi, just wondering if the Canon EOS 10D is likely to be any good as a starting point for DSO's through my William Optics 66 Petzval? I know I'm going to need field flatteners etc, but got to start somewhere and will acquire the relevant equipment with time. I think my mount will just about cope for mid-length exposures (not around to an autoguider yet - want to have a stab before I splurge on that!).

Main reason I'm plumping for the 10D is the price - I'va also seen some fairly impressive results through comparatively modest scopes, so I'm nearly decided - just wanted your esteemed opinion before I take the plunge :)

Bearing in mind that this is only intended as a starting point and I'm perfectly prepared for shoddy results at first!

Thanks guys!


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Hi there I used a cannon 10 D unmodded with my sct 9.25 and got soe great images there's no live view,but run the cannon software and with the cable in the laptop you can check your test shots in secs. I did minute subs and they are great images

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I don't know the 10D, but live-view is a feature worth having. I used to use a 350D and now use 1000D and 1100D and can happily recommend the later two models.

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I did look at the 1000D but they were generally double the price - still cheap, but my budget is now miniscule after buying a mount, tripod, motor drived and the petzval in the last couple of days :/ Student budget too (mature student - like a normal student but with more bills to pay!) But I have thrown caution to the wind now and gone for the 10D anyway - if I struggle too much I can always change it, and I have been faily impressed with what I've seen so far. Todd8137, is there any chance of seeing some of your pics with the 10D?

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Might be a bit on the heavy side for the focuser, so watch out for that.

Yes, I have heard that, so I'm envisioning a bit of strengthening / shoring up. Shouldn't be a serious issue, with a quick mod :)

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Bear in mind that the combination of a big sensor plus short focal length is going to give you a very wide FOV : this will not compare to the images that todd8137 will produce with a very long FOV on the sct.

Also with regard to shoring up the focuser, not entirely sure it's going to be as quick a job as you think it may be. It's likely to be the most serious issue you encounter as it will cause a lot of issue in the final images if it's not holding the camera sufficiently.

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I'll work it out - I'm not expecting mind-blowing results from the off. If anything, a bit of shouting, swearing and repeatedly giving-up-and-taking-up-stamp-collecting-instead is part of the attraction. Tbh I probably could have splurged a bit more cash and had an easier time of it, but I'm one of those people that typically makes life hard for myself. Why else would I be into this deliciously expensive and difficult hobby?! :)

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know the 10D, but live-view is a feature worth having. I used to use a 350D and now use 1000D and 1100D and can happily recommend the later two models.

i got a 600d and will no self mod the 10pat

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