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last solar question.... i promise:P and camera

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i might be able to get 200 and i was considering the baader CaK module

this will be for imaging only,

my logic being, it comes with baader solar film ND3 so for £200 id have the white light and the CaK at the same time

is there any other options i have though for the same money?, they will be going on the megrez 72.

also which camera would be best at the cheapest "quailty" level

i havent had much luck with both the xbox nore the asda camera (its probally the scope i put it on though (astral) seems better for visual than imaging due to the smaller focuser)

i was thinking a DMK qhy5/v or somthing similar for basic planetary solar and the obvious bright DSOs


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I understand your logic....

The Baader "module" is no more than a 80A bandwidth filter centred on CaK. For comparison the "proper" Cak modules from Coronado and Lunt are multi-element systems with a 4A bandwidth, which is a much, much, more capable outcome.

IMHO I'd save a bit more and look for a second hand Ha etalon.

Re. cameras - for solar a DMK either 21/31/41 mono seems to be the weapon of choice.

I think you need to appreciate that planets/solar need a different camera solution to that for DSO etc. There's no easy "one camera fits all"

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hehe thanks merlin, iv got my canon with astrotrac for DSO's but i didnt want a camera thats totally restricted perhaps better would be one i could guide with on the astrotrac so ascom compatible?

i had a PST before and even though i enjoyed the view, i didnt find it WOW factor, but i do strangely enjoy CaK images ;)

dare i ask how much the etalon modules are? lol

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I have a double stacked SM60/ BF15 set-up on an ED80/HEQ5pro. Then a 88mm modified PST/ BF10 (Baader D-ERF) and a various collection of solar filters (Baader/ JMB/ 1000 Oaks etc) but recently aquired a Baader Herschel wedge which will be used on a 150mm f8 scope!

We also managed to find an Omega CaK filter (25mm diameter, 80A bandwidth) for $40 - a bit cheaper than the Baader!

I use a DMK21 and DMK41 for imaging.

Hope this helps.

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it does actually help ;)

id love to get my hands on one of them omega filters im not paying $180 when i can get a baader which does the same thing for $320 lol fingers crossed one will pop up:P

i looked at that DMK21 and its colour version, is there any advantage to the colour over the mono for solar (and planet, and possiably guiding?)

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ahhh i didnt no HA CaK and WL were all black and white, althrough it does make sence from a earlier thread that the sun is white not red (unlike my seymour film)

so shopping list, mono camera (most likely a 21)

the only CaK around is

baader, lunt, omega, there isnt another company is there?

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Looks like you have already decided on a DMK ;)

Just to let you know I tried a QHY5 mono (the normal guide cam one) and without additional ND filters etc. it was way too sensitive for white light solar. Even with the minimum exposure and gain, I just got a virtually white screen.

The DMK is the way to go. 41 for whole disk images and 21 for close-ups and planetary.

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could one use a reducer (like the celestron webcam one) to make the close up more, full disk?

also could the 21 work as a guide cam too?

there was a CaK on ebay last week i really really wanted but its price shot up from 160 - 400 in a matter of minuits :'(

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