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Dark places

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I'm not familiar with your area so I can't make a specific suggestion, but in order for you not to get "arrested or propositioned", ultimately you will need to find a bit of land that is privately owned that will also allow you to park your car out of sight. I have had so much hassle from the "kennel club" fraternity that I found this to be the only real solution. Anywhere that is remote, secluded that also facilitates parking is like a light bulb to these moths and unless you are observing in a group, you're always going to get hassle. The small group that I observe with was plagued on one occasion by 27 cars, and it's not as if they drive past and away - oh no, they have to do three point turns to get a better look at what your are doing or if they are particularly stupid, just drive over too you with the lights still on! Not really helpful if your are attempting to preserve your night vision. Every farmer I have talked to has been sympathetic and helpful and I have never had a problem in finding a good spot. The personal approach and a friendly demeanour seems to make the difference and would strongly recommend giving it a go. Setting up some sort of protocol e.g ringing them to notify your presence and giving times of leaving etc is both respectful and important if ever the police have any reason to question what you are doing.


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I'm not familiar with your area so I can't make a specific suggestion, but in order for you not to get "arrested or propositioned", ultimately you will need to find a bit of land that is privately owned that will also allow you to park your car out of sight. I have had so much hassle from the "kennel club" fraternity that I found this to be the only real solution. Anywhere that is remote, secluded that also facilitates parking is like a light bulb to these moths and unless you are observing in a group, you're always going to get hassle. The small group that I observe with was plagued on one occasion by 27 cars, and it's not as if they drive past and away - oh no, they have to do three point turns to get a better look at what your are doing or if they are particularly stupid, just drive over too you with the lights still on! Not really helpful if your are attempting to preserve your night vision. Every farmer I have talked to has been sympathetic and helpful and I have never had a problem in finding a good spot. The personal approach and a friendly demeanour seems to make the difference and would strongly recommend giving it a go. Setting up some sort of protocol e.g ringing them to notify your presence and giving times of leaving etc is both respectful and important if ever the police have any reason to question what you are doing.


Cheers James, excellent info. Tbh I never even gave any of this a thought until I read a thread earlier yesterday about the kind of 'problems' one could encounter. You have to laugh I suppose. Regards, Ally

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Ryall, there is one but their regular meeting point ,which they have every month, is about an hour away. However they do meet once every 3 months in a place 20mins from my home. Incidently that meet is this saturday WooHoo. There will definitely be some questions answered

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Take a look on Google and type in dark sky areas or something like that and a nightime satellite picture is available just zoom in on your area and you will see where the light pollution is and where to go to get away from it. To be honest I can fully understand the Police asking what you are doing at silly o'clock in the morning driving around in unlit areas then sitting there with your lights off. :)

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