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I bought a new telescope back in January


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Heh, cheers. It is a great scope and I had some wonderful views back in the freezing nights of Jan and Feb. It's just typical that now Saturn is pretty high up before bedtime that the clouds have really taken over.

Really enjoyed Jupiter whilst she was around, not much luck with Mars to be honest. Had some really exciting views of Saturn some weeks back, but those were whilst she had just risen, due to work and reasonable bedtimes.

Need a really clear, crisp Friday or Satur(n)day night for some late night viewing

Fingers crossed, as it did clear up briefly last night for some naked eye star hopping. Wish I had some binos for spur of the moment times like that. Should look into a cheapish pair I suppose, when I can't be bothered to get the scope out or if not time to set up and cool down.

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forgotten how to use it now!

Do they work underwater?

I've the same setup as you, and there's not been a good clear night since I got it!

I must admit it's a great piece of techno-sculpture in the living-room though!:)


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Given the "drought" conditions, I think I'll make better use of my 8SE as a waterbutt :). At least it'll be getting some use that way.

Maybe I could reconfigure my fracs into some sort of snorkel arrangement.... .

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