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Who on this site is responsible for all the cloudy weather? I've

collimated, improved my improvised dob mount and I'm waiting for my first proper first light, the coffee is ready, thermals are on, who do I have to pay?......... That's better I can relax now.


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Gary, do I detect some degree of frustration in your voice tone?:eek::D:D The word 'typical' does comes to mind all to frequently as of late and so you have my sympathies! However, although purchasing astro gear is usually the culprit for cloud but perhaps the rules may have changed, and just maybe, 'improvements' might now be viewed in the astro realm as a way of obtaining 'new' astro kit - Gary I thnk you are to blame!:rolleyes::eek::)

Clear skies soon


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It's true I did improve my mount with some nice rollers, but also.......I did purchase....a new cheshire........and a new finder.......all I can do is offer my sincere apologies but I feel it will happen again because astro gear is sooooo shiny:D


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I know exactly how you feel. I've just motorised my mount and picked up a DSLR so I can finally track and all I've seen is clouds.

I've finally worked out the polar alignment and 2 nights ago I sat outside for hours sitting on the floor desperate for a glimps of Polaris.

Does anyone want any video footage of me tracking the clouds?

I'm sooo stressed.:D


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