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Question in regards to CCD equipment


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Hello, everyone. I first entered the world of astrophotography several years ago, and I first began with a black and white Meade CCD camera. Since then, I haven't progressed significantly, for that I have encountered numerous problems (technical rather) while I took pictures. Frankly, I really didn't have no experience at all.

Recently, I considered to begin from scratch, in I decided to learn how to take pictures correctly without frustration. So, I entered into the world of DSLR astrophotography, since I am rather interested in it than CCD.

I purchased a CD book called a "A Beginner's Guide To DSLR Astrophotography." Some of you may know this. I have read it, and I have found useful and helpful information in there, which makes me want to begin using a DSLR camera.

Just want to begin taking pictures of the night sky, such as constellations, star trails, etc.

Anyway, back to the question. I have decided to sell my original CCD equipment, for that I won't use it again. I just don't know how much I should actually sell it for. I feel that it is worth something (even though it is fairly old equipment).

Once again, I have a basic Meade black and white CCD camera. Has everything with it. In addition to that, I also have the second model from Meade, which is a color CCD camera. Has everything with it, too.

The bottom line, folks, is that I want to use the money from the items I intend to sell soon to purchase a DSLR camera for astrophotography.

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have a look around on ebay/astromarts for something similar and check out the price. I'm guessing $100-150.

You didn't ask about DSLR photography, so you may know all this already, but I recommend starting out with a cheap DSLR and a lens. (Canon is my favourite and well supported, the 50mm f1.8 lens is great), but others are fine too. Liveview is an enourmous help for focusing. You can get fantastic shots just on a fixed tripod. Point it towards a nice bunch of start in the Milkyway, set to ISO1600, 20sec exposure, wide open f-stop (f1.8 on the 50mm) and shoot. You'll be amazed what's in there. Then you can think about filters and mounts. (UHC filter make a big improvement if your sky is quite bright).

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have a look around on ebay/astromarts for something similar and check out the price. I'm guessing $100-150.

You didn't ask about DSLR photography, so you may know all this already, but I recommend starting out with a cheap DSLR and a lens. (Canon is my favourite and well supported, the 50mm f1.8 lens is great), but others are fine too. Liveview is an enourmous help for focusing. You can get fantastic shots just on a fixed tripod. Point it towards a nice bunch of start in the Milkyway, set to ISO1600, 20sec exposure, wide open f-stop (f1.8 on the 50mm) and shoot. You'll be amazed what's in there. Then you can think about filters and mounts. (UHC filter make a big improvement if your sky is quite bright).

Thanks for the rough estimate.

The only reason that I did not ask any questions in regards to DSLR astrophotography is in that I have already learned some interesting information about it from the CD book. Some suggestions that you provided in your comment are what I know already, and I will keep those suggestions in mind when I begin to serach for a DSLR camera soon.

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