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Focus help please?

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Hi. I recently bought a new scope as I wanted to start astrophotography. I also got a spc900 and a 5x powermate. I have no bother focusing when using the webcam by its self, but once I attach the powermate I can't seem to focus. Or to even find for that matter. What am I doing wrong? I don't think the object is drifting out of view. I do a two star aligne and ad four cal stars and it's centred nicely. Is there changes to the sharpcap setting to be made or is 5x powermate to much magnification for my webcam and scope to focus? Regards.

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try focusing during daytime with your powermate at a very long distance target, then with a marker mark the focus point at the focuser drawtube (do this and with the camera only). At night find a bright star or the moon and focus without the powermate using the marker at the focuser, then use the powermate, the FOV with the powermate will a lot smaller, also the image may be darker so you will have to increase the gain and/or brightness, gamma

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