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Science Museum & my junior astronomer


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I took my 5 year old daughter to London yesterday for a visit to the Natural History and Science museums. We didn't spend long at the former - huge queue for the dinosaur exhibit and very busy elsewhere, on top of a 20 minute queue to get in!

The Science Museum was less fraught with no queues. My daughter enjoyed identifying the large prints of the planets that she has observed through our 'scope and was fascinated with the probes, Apollo lunar lander and the rockets on display.

We went to see a 20 minute presentation aimed at 7-11 year olds called "A Star is Born" - excellent interactive story telling with the aid of a projector and some still images. The story teller asked the children what a pattern of stars is called whilst an image of Orion was on the projector - she was looking for 'constellation' but my daughter's answer was 'Orion' which made me very proud!!

A bit of time also spent in the Cosmos display, and my daughter was amazed to see the 'scope in the image attached! (sorry for bad quality, must update old iPhone soon :D )

A really good day out and highly recommended if your younglings are interested in astronomy :(


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Nice one. The Science Museum is a must for those with youngsters, and who are able to visit there. So much to see, and a good incentive that may give rise to a youngster becoming interested in Science. There is much to choose from. The interest first, the choosing much later. I'm pleased you both enjoyed it.

I shall be re visiting it myself in August.


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Sounds fantastic, we keep meaning to go but a day trip to London is just so expensive even though the museums are free. My daughter would love a visit though I think we are going to have to plan a trip :D

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Takes me back to my school holidays many years ago, one day each holiday a friend and I spent in London and the Kensington museums were always on the list of must sees.

Good to hear you and your daughter had a great time.

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I owe my lifelong love for science and astronomy to my parents and to the folks of my best friend for taking us to the Boston Mass. planetarium when we were kids. It sparked such wonder to sit under that dome and see the night sky explained.

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I spent many a happy day in the South Kensington museums as a young lad and teenager. I used to buy a Red Rover and head off nice and early. Although I loved the Natural History and Geological museums, the Science museum was my firm favourite. They used to have a small planetarium in there - is it still there?

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